Prepare For Your Interview With Hover

Hover is on a mission to make the homeowner journey easy, transparent, & fun. In preparation for your interview, immerse yourself in our mission-driven culture and explore why you want to join our passionate team at the forefront of innovation. Click below to learn about our company and dive into best practices to prepare for your interview.

"To say Hover is a game-changer isn’t even fair. It is flat-out what we need as a business to ensure success."

-Kemper Adjuster

Learn About Our Journey

Click through the carousel to learn how our patented technology revolutionizes home improvement and insurance processes. Witness our commitment to accuracy, reliability, and our values of Think. Do. Serve.

Hover Is Growing

As our amazing journey continues we're proud of what we've built and of our investors who helped us along the way. Some of our awesome investors include:

Hover's Recruiting Philosophy

Crafting a seamless homeowner journey demands both cutting-edge tech and exceptional service. That's why we're dedicated to assembling a team of collaborative and inspiring minds. Our rigorous interview process ensures we find the best talent to uphold our standards. Dive into our Recruiting Philosophy below to see how.

Hiring decisions make or break the company 

Quality hires are the cornerstone of our success. Recruiting isn't merely a task; it's a shared mission to find the best talent for our team.

Diverse teams make better decisions 

We will make an intentional effort in our recruiting process to build a more diverse team. 

Values shine through 

We assess both technical skills and alignment with our core values: Think, Do, Serve.

We level the playing field 

We create an unbiased hiring process, free from influence based on educational background, gender, or any other irrelevant factors.